How to use Facebook Interests to Target Your Ads

By , July 20, 2014

(The website this article was written for is no longer online. This is an archived version.)

One of the trickiest aspects of advertising is making sure that your ads are reaching the right people. After all, advertising to people that have little or no interest in your services is a waste of advertising dollars. Thanks to Facebook interest targeting, you don’t have to worry about your advertising budget going to waste. This Facebook training tip covers how interest targeting can work to your advantage

Facebook Interest Targeting

Before interest targeting, small business owners could only take stabs at certain demographics that seemed like they might be a good fit. For example, you could target your ads at males or females and pick from specific age groups or locations. While these tools are certainly helpful, they are still broad strokes that will result in a fairly inconsistent success rate.

Thanks to the Facebook interests targeting tool, you can actually set your advertisements up to only be seen by people that list specific interests on Facebook. For example, if you own a massage parlor, you can advertise to people that specifically list “massages” as one of their interests. Now you know that everyone who sees your ad is someone that is interested in the service that you are providing!

Choosing the right strategy

Interests can be as specific or as broad as you want to target. Targeting super-specific interests may result in a higher click-through rates, but will only reach a small audience. Broader interests may not have as high of a conversion rate but will receive more eyeballs and potentially broaden your target audience. By experimenting with multiple interests you can determine what works best for you.

Facebook takes much of the guesswork out of the process for you by listing how many people have expressed interest in the keyword that you are targeting. Think outside the box and check the reach on multiple keywords to find the ones that are right for you and your small business.

Facebook interest targeting allows you to have full control over your advertising budget by making sure that the specific groups of people that you want to target are seeing your advertisements. Test the market and take advantage of this amazing tool!

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